Trevor Noah's Born a Crime Audiobook review
I recently finished listening to the audiobook of Trevor Noah's Born a Crime. The audiobook was narrated by Trevor, him self. I love how well he spoke and move us the readers through his life from a baby to 25 years old, Trevor Noah. Growing up, he was known as a colored person. Colored people are treated differently and often given more opportunity than the Black people. Trevor had his perks as a colored person but he grows up labeling him self as a Black person. He didn't bother with the label system in Africa that he grew up with. I have to mention the best parts are the ones with his mother. It used to be just him and his mother against the world. While the world was against him and his mother, they never forgot laughter and family. His mother was a true Church goer, she went to church all day on Sunday. She would do whatever she could to make sure that they never missed church. A broke down car, the weather, the distance, the people couldn't stop her. Her faith was stronger than that. And through his ups and downs in life, his mother was I believe his biggest supporter. Trevor has two younger brothers that he mentions in his book. He had a step-father who blames and shot his mother a couple of times. Out of anger his step-father shot his mother. And alcohol and anger don't mix well. The biggest achievements in life is knowing that nothing scares you as much as your mother getting hurt. His love for his mother reminds me of my mother. She gives a lot of tough love but she loves us all. I enjoyed his book so much. I will probably listen to his novel again in the future. This is a must read and listen to.
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