Studying Tips for Everyone.

Hello, everyone, I'm excite to say that my passed my first exam for my Geography class. This class started a month ago on the 8th. I'm taking four classes at a local community college. I love my simple life and want to share my studying tips. So, maybe you can pass that exam or test in your class. These tips I picked them through the years and some are from my professors. 1. Take notes it will help you when you have to start studying. 2. Don't memorize everything. 3. Know key words. 4. Study a week in advance. 5. Don't study last minute. 6. Know terms and its meaning. 7. Come to review day. 8. Study as a group. 9. Ask questions if you do not understand something. 10.Know what to expect. Ex:True/false, multiple chioces, fill-in the blank, short-answer. 11. Attend class to get study material. 12. Read your textbooks. 13. Come prepare on test days and arrive on time. Ex: Bring pencil and scatrons. 14. Put time and effort into studying for the exam/test. There are more tips out there but these are my tips. I don't always do everything on this list but I pretty much do half of these. If you guys can take a few of these tips and they help you. Then it's great. I was able to help. I hope this can benefit you or if not maybe one day. Have a good day everyone.


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